
AJITER Creates Toolkit for Sports Trainers
Within the scope of the “Sports4Life: Non-Formal Toolkit for Grassroots” project, AJITER launched a support manual for coaches and sports facilitators that intends to give on ...
Young sport teachers create toolkit to promote sports
AJITER - Youth Association of Terceira Island, and AJFB - Youth Association of Fonte Bastardo, were partners during this past week, in an Erasmus+ Sport project, which ...
"Sail4Employment" wants to use the sea as a resource for new business ideas
AJITER's new Erasmus+ project places young people onboard a sailboat in Tenerife to help them find inspiration for new business ideas from the se ...
Meeting of the project "Social Entrepreneurship Integrated with AR and Rural Youth"
AJITER met today with partners from Romania, Belgium, Greece and Italy to discuss the project "Social Entrepreneurship Integrated with AR ...
AJITER promove desenvolvimento de capacidades dos jovens na área da juventude
The Portuguese Job Shadowing and Mini-Conference for the "Islanders Network" project had the cooperation of Escola Profissional Inetese Açore ...
AJITER attends 3rd meeting of Erasmus+ Sport Cluster
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized, on 4 to 5 December 2019, in Brussels, a "Cluster Meeting" on Eras ...
Palermo hosts last “I-Network” meeting
As the project's end date approaches, Palermo, the capital of the Italian island Sicily, hosts the most recent meeting of the “Islanders Network” project. Taking place betwee ...
UZOHMS são o “Melhor Projeto” do Angra Sound Bay 2019
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V Feira “Angra com Futuro” com inscrições abertas para projetos inovadores
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United for Sport
Portugal, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Greece joined together to bring to life “Sports4Life: Non- Formal Toolkit for Grassroots”, a project that aims at training youth workers in the field of grassroots s ...
Islanders training in Cyprus
Last February, the Cypriot partner of the project Islanders Network hosted the “C1 Learning, Teaching, Training activity”. Between the 19th and the 21st, members of the project got togethe ...
Long-term Erasmus+ project gets jump-start in Angra do Heroísmo
On the 24th and 25th of November 2018, a long-term Erasmus + project called Islandes Network (I-Network) had its official start. The launch meeting took pla ...

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