Social A.C.T.


Erasmus+ Sport – Small Collaborative Partnership
SOCIAL A.C.T. - Active Cycling Team
Project number: 622241-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-SPO-SSCP

Our project joints the topic: Promoting sports education with particular emphasis on skills development. "Social A.C.T. - Active Cycling Team” promotes cycling beneficial to health. It focuses on the importance of sports volunteering to acquire skills and develop active citizenship. 25 beneficiaries will be trained to become group cycling guides and will use their skills by implementing local initiatives. Our project also aims to facilitate social inclusion of the most vulnerable (facing situations of isolation and/ or discrimination). 2 participants with fewer opportunities will be trained to become volunteer cycling guides. The principles of solidarity, equity and parity that we defend also help strengthen the social bond for better inclusion.

This project responds directly to European policy in the field of sport, through non-formal education activities that enrich physical activity and citizen participation through volunteering. It responds more particularly to the specific objective pursued by the Erasmus + program of: Promoting voluntary activities in sport, as well as social inclusion, equal opportunities and the importance of physical activity beneficial to health, through increased participation and equal access to sport for all. Our project contributes to developing the European dimension of the sport by strengthening cooperation between youth and sports organizations, as well as public authorities.

We want to improve our communities as a sustainable model by promoting easy access to bicycles use. In this context, we want to reach these objectives:
- To develop the practice of sport, more particularly group cycling, promote well-being, preserve health and strengthen social ties.
- To raise awareness about the benefits of cycling as a physical activity for social inclusion and promotion of equal opportunities, especially among youth with fewer opportunities.
- To develop innovative educational methods, among partners, share good practices and strengthen our experiences concerning cycling group initiatives, for the benefit of the local community.
- To promote the sense of active citizenship and group cycling by preparing and encouraging local sports volunteering initiatives.
- To encourage actions that support political reforms in favour of the development of cycling in
local communities.

  1. Solidarity Tracks (Monopatia Allileggiis, Greece)
  2. AJITER (Portugal)
  3. ENVERÇEVKO (Turkey)
  4. Champions Factory (Bulgaria)
  5. Active YouthAssociation (Lithuania)


Co-financed/Supported by