
description Regulation Angra Sound Bay 2020
Not available in English.
Press release regarding the announcement of the third edition of the Angra Sound Bay music contest. (Not available in English)
description Angra Sound Bay 2020 - Auditions
Not available in English.
description João Moniz Vence Angra Sound Bay 2020 - Nota Informativa (Not available in English)
(Not available in English)
description ModaAzores - DIRECT ADJUSTMENT - Services Acquisition Agreement
Publication of the signed Contract relating to the Direct Adjustment Procedure whose purpose is the “Acquisition of Production and Organization Services for the First edition of the “Moda Azores” Project, to be held in the city of Ponta Delgada, on December 10, two thousand and twenty three." This acquisition of services is the subject of financing within the scope of the "Modamac" Project, CodeMAC2/2.3d/271, INTERREG V Cooperation Program Spain-Portugal MAC (Madeira – Azores-Canaries) 2014-2020.
description Angra com Futuro Fair Gets Enlarged and Moves Location
Diário Insular, October 16th, 2020
description Projeto Sports4Life Widens Horizon
Diário Insular, February 13th, 2020
description Erasmus+ Project Creates Awareness to Economic Opportunities of the Sea
Diário Insular, February 20th, 2020
description AJITER Gets Terceira Island on the European Agenda for Sports
Diário Insular, March 21st, 2020.
description Young Trainners Create Toolkit to Promote Grassroots Sports
Diário Insular, March 26th, 2020.
description Statutes

description Declaration of Public Utility Entity
Published in the Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of the Azores (II series - Number 111, June 14, 2010).
description AJITER - PIF
Youth Association of Terceira Island Partner Information Form
description Sports4Life: Non-Formal Toolkit for Grassroots
Support handbook for young trainers with tips, questionnaires and suggestions of activities to help motivate young people and children to practice sports. Created during the Erasmus+ Sport project, "Sports4Life: Non-Formal Toolkit for Grassroots".
description Social Youth Newsletter 1
Follow the development of the long-term Erasmus+ project, "Social Entrepreneurship Integrated with AR and Rural Youth".
description Social Youth - Newsletter #2
Second Newsletter of the Erasmus+ KA2 project, "Social Youth".
description Fashion Sector in Azores Diagnosis

description IPLAY Project - Europe for Citizens - Results Description
The project "IPLAY - Internet Access for Participation, Learning and Active Youth" was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" and has the results described in the document.
The 6 NOT SKIP partners have met from the 14th to the 17th of October 2024, in Lodz (Poland), being hosted by LGD. at the first in-situ international event. The meeting focused on project coordination and management, ensuring that the whole project activities will follow the same structure. The first day addressed the topics of NOT SKIP partnership and t
description VI Fair "Angra com Futuro" (2023) - Presentation
Detailed presentation of the concept of the "VI Feira Angra com Futuro: Exhibition of Entrepreneurial Projects and Training". (Only in Portuguese)
description VI "Angra com Futuro" Fair (2023) - Conditions for Exhibitors
Participation conditions for projects and companies exhibiting at the VI "Angra com Futuro" Fair, including all conditions granted by the organization. (in portuguese only)
description VI "Angra com Futuro" Entrepreneurship Fair
VI "Angra com Futuro" Entrepreneurship Fair complete program.

Co-financed/Supported by