VI edition of the FAIR "ANGRA COM FUTURO" confirms growing success
On the 3rd and 4th of November, the "ANGRA WITH FUTURE: EXHIBITION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TRAINING PROJECTS" returned to the Multisectoral Park of Terceira Island, in Vinha Brava, for its 2023 edition, which marks its sixth event.
With a renewed and more functional design aimed at fulfilling its objectives of providing better visibility to the projects present, the right one remained as its main components, that is, the exhibition aspect with the presence of around 60 entities, including projects entrepreneurs or companies and institutional representations as well as several entrepreneurs associated with confectionery or gastronomy, coming from the island of Terceira and Madeira, other islands in the Azores and mainland Portugal.
Mention should be made of the participation of Startup Angra, Chamber of Commerce of Angra do Heroísmo, Nonagon and Incuba+ of Santa Maria.
Furthermore, in parallel, seven workshops of 90 minutes each took place aimed at training current and future entrepreneurs and all specific ones.
Highly attended workshops were held on “Leading teams to success” by Ricardo Guedes de Almeida (Consultant and CEO at Triple Knowledge), “Pricing Strategy” by Marta Reis (SIMPLIFYPRO), “Communication and Pitching Skills” by António Calheiros (Professor of Management at Coimbra Business School), “Leadership and Communication” by Flávia Gouveia (Executive Leader Coach), “Personal Finances” by Marta Reis (SIMPLIFYPRO), “Artificial Intelligence” by Marco Almas (Human Resources Manager at Auchan Retail Portugal) and “Challenges in Strategic Management” by Ricardo Guedes de Almeida (Consultant and CEO at Triple Knowledge), which is, in essence, a more differentiating and appreciated aspect of the achievement.
Also noteworthy is the vast social program, with performances by several DJs (Artur M, Adrix and Smira), musicals (Sónia Pereira Trio and Tommy G), standup comedy (JARC) and showcooking (Henrique Sousa and Sara Loureiro).
Finally, one of the most relevant innovations and aspects of this initiative was the focus on publicity and projects in the fashion area, with the presence of designers of clothing or all types of fashion accessories, and the project was also presented “ ModaAzores” and the entire strategy that surrounds it.
This is a structuring project that aims to value the creativity of local artists as well as train and support the various professionals who work in the fashion sector in the Azores, organizing and enhancing this same sector, and, it should be noted, that this is an initiative part of the MODAMAC project, financed by the INTERREG Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands program.
The organization registered a growing turnout over the two days, compared to the previous edition, and would like to thank everyone who participated and contributed to its success, namely, the Municipal Council of Angra do Heroísmo, Parish Councils of São Bento and São Pedro, Ponta Delgada Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Government of the Azores, as well as all the trainers who led the various workshops.
Reports about the Fair are available at:
RTP Azores
Report on the Opening of the Fair
Report on the Presentation of the Program
Report on the Presentation of the Program
2023-11-07 00:00:00