Open call para mobilidade de projeto ERASMUS +
Summer is coming and with it comes opportunities you won't want to miss. Do you want to make the most of it and participate in an ERASMUS + project? Then we have an opportunity for you! & ...

Jovens terceirenses preparam intercâmbio do projeto “Islanders”
Seven young people from Terceira, aged between 15 and 22, will participate, through AJITER, in the exchange of the project "ISLANDERS: MANY ISLANDS - ONE COMMUNITY" which will take place in Brussels, ...


AJITER present at the Eurodesk Iberian Meeting
In its role as a multiplier for the national Eurodesk network, AJITER attended the Iberian Eurodesk Meeting, the first cross-border national network meeting that marked the s ...
"YOUTH 4 OUTERMOST REGIONS" supports projects by and for young people
On March 7, AJITER - Associação Juvenil da Ilha Terceira (Youth Association of Terceira Island) presented a new support program that it is promoting ...
AJITER took part in a training on the Greek island of Kimolos
It was within the scope of the project “ISLANDERS: MANY ISLANDS – ONE COMMUNITY”, of which the consortium takes part, that AJITER was represented in a sh ...
Angra do Heroísmo celebrated International Youth Day
The organization was from the Municipality of Angra do Heroísmo and the venue was the “Green Café”, a space located near the end of the ring road, with AJITER ...
Project “I-Play” ended in the city of Tirana in Albania
The project "#I-PLAY: Internet access for Participation, Learning and Active Youth" is a European project approved by the European program "Europe for Citizens", ...
Researcher from University of Silesia made a Study Visit to AJITER
During 7 days, from April 23rd to 27th ,AJITER hosted Monika Frania (PhD) in the frame of Erasmus+ STT stays for academic staff as part of the so-called t ...

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