Em fase de conclusão primeiros produtos do Projeto COASTALPRO
The second meeting of partners of the “COSTALPRO” project took place this Thursday, September 19, in Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands. The project focuses on training and skills development based ...

Jovens terceirenses participam no projeto “Youth Union” na Estónia
Between the 5th and 12th of this September, four young people from Terceira Island and a leader participated in the 'Youth Union: Building Bridges in the EU Erasmus + Youth Exchange' project in Tammis ...


Key project for sustainable management of textile waste launched in Macaronesia region
On January 30th and 31st, the launch meeting of the TEXTIL project was held in Las Palmas, on the island of Gran Canaria, on the sidel ...
AJITER was present at “Agora Eu”
On December 5th and 6th, AJITER was present at the various events of the “Agora Eu” event, namely, the MEETINGS, ANNUAL EVENTS AND TRAINING; the INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERING DAY; and ...
The European Club Biscoitos School Club visited AJITER office
AJITER – Terceira Island Youth Association received, this Monday, December 16th, at its headquarters in São Bento, a visit from five students and their resp ...
"Youth Action" dissemination project carried out in Estonia
On December 3rd, at AJITER's facilities, the participants of the “Juvenile Union” project promoted an action to disseminate the results and their experience ...
“NOT SKIP” Project on Participation Begins in Poland
The international conference that marked the launch of the project "NOT SKIP: Network of Organizations for Promoting Skills for Participation" began between October ...
AJITER present at the Eurodesk Iberian Meeting
In its role as a multiplier for the national Eurodesk network, AJITER attended the Iberian Eurodesk Meeting, the first cross-border national network meeting that marked the s ...

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